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Posts mit dem Label guca guca werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Official Guča Camp Ćurčić

Official Guča Camp Ćurčić: Entry and stay in the camp allowed only with legitimacy by each each guest upon arrival to camp. Stewards who are responsible for preserving peace and order in the camp, will take care of your safety, and professional staff will provide you with all necessary assistance and information.

Campers will be available:- Washrooms with toilet cubicles, sinks and showers with hot water
- Parking for vehicles
- Coffee
- Rechargeable mobile phone

Tents can be rented, which means that every visitor to camp must bring a tent or sleeping bag with you. Place in the camp is reserved by phone. Reservation is valid until the end of the Parliament, so that the arrival in camp the first day of work is optional. Price at the camp is fixed regardless of the number of days spent in the camp. If you do not reserve a place in the camp, accommodation will be possible only if the camp sites remain free.

Price per person: 20-25 EUR
Contact: +381.64.555.8581

Šaban Bajramović - The King of Roma music

Šaban Bajramović is the most prolific and the most celebrated Roma singer, composer and poet in the Balkans. Among thousands of articles and studies written throughout the world about this author, there is not a single one which does not link his name with the expression "The King of Roma music".

Šaban Bajramović was born on April 16, 1936 in Niš (Serbia). He almost did not attend the school while picking up musical education, alike many of his people, on street.

When he was nineteen, he deserted the army because of love, and later was sentenced to three years imprisonment at the Goli Otok isolation facility on an island in the Adriatic sea. However, as he told the military court that there was no sentence long enough for him to serve it, the sentence was extended to five and a half years.

However, while serving his sentence at the Goli Otok facility, Šaban Bajramović founded a prison band which played, among other music, jazz, Louis Armstrong and Frank Sinatra songs, as well as Spanish and Mexican melodies. Nowadays, he says that Goli Otok was his life-university, where he formed the way he thinks. He made his first record in 1964, and nowadays, his discography consists of some twenty albums and more then fifty singles. He wrote and composed, as he said, about seven hundred songs. For more than twenty years, he has led “Crna Mamba” (Black Mamba), touring half of the world with the band. Upon invitation of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, he visited India, where he was named for The King of the Gypsy World Music.

Day trip to Ovčarsko Kablar canyon

Day trip to Ovcarsko Kablar canyon - Trumpet Festival It is located in central Serbia, where the Morava river between the mountains and Shepherd Kablar gorge cuts an imposing shadow scale in forest on the banks of the river, the small plateau close to the rocks and hiding the 11 medieval monasteries, the unique place where there are time when they occur. On the left side of the Western Morava are the Annunciation, Ilinje, Savinja Nikolje, Assumption and Jovanje, and on the right the Temple, Trinity, Transfiguration, Assumption and the Presentation.

The gorge is located Shepherd and Spa. After a stormy night in Guca, you'll benefit from a break and rest in the beautiful nature that has not been disturbed by human factor. Excursion program: Departing from Guca in 8:00 am, comfortable tourist bus. Arrival at the Spa Shepherd around 8:45 pm, a tour (in a tourist guide) very small town, visiting the monastery of the Transfiguration, Presentation, Ascension, Nikolje. Driving through the canyon on a raft in the Western Morava. Lunch at the restaurant "House" (the menu is arranged in advance if you wish), located on the banks of the river. Ability to visit Wellness center or outdoor swimming pool with thermal water. During the individual time, lasting two hours. Departing in Guca at 17.00 h. Arrival in Guca in 17:45. Tour Price: 30 € The price includes:- Transportation of tourist bus - Admission to the National Park - Lunch at the restaurant "Dom" - Drive-raft -Tourist Guide - Organization If you interesting for reservation of apartment in Guča, you can contact us by email on or calling number +381.64.555.85.81.

Serbian History of Trumpet Tradition

Dragačevo, which used to be a rural region, experienced strong economic and general educational and cultural development after 1950, and mostly in the first decade of the 21st century, first of all thanks to the Trumpeters Festival.

The capital of modern trumpeting - Guča, is relatively small, and the trumpet was first played as far ago as 1831. Before nearly two centuries Miloš Obrenović ordered the establishment of a "Principle's Serbian band" in Kragujevac, and that the first brass band be led by Josip Šlezinger (1794-1870), a man from Sombor, who in those times was the first musically literate expert in Serbia. "Oberlautar" Mustafa, a man who played the violin and "zurle" (zurna), was until then amusing the Serb ruler and his entourage "and was amusing also even foreigners who did not have much understanding for Turkish music". Immediately upon his arrival in Kragujevac he started to organize the band. Since he lacked in skilled musicians, he asked the Principle to arrange that young man from among the population be found, who have talent and will to do this job. Miloš promptly ordered that each county delegates five young men. And, so it started. Although it did not always run smoothly, they learned to play the new "golden" instruments, by playing the round-dances and songs which they knew and were familiar with them, but learning also everything that maestro J. Šlezinger was teaching them in the then Serbian capital Kragujevac.

Almost two centuries passed by, there were many outstanding military brass bands and band leaders from the regiments and divisions. However, only in the mid 19th century were the foreign musical and cultural influence getting stronger; they can be identified at the beginning of the new era in the folk music of Dragačevo and were particularly strong in regard to trumpet music and homophonic multi-part singing , i.e. in singing "na bas". How the brass bands were emerging we heard from spontaneous statements of modern Dragačevo musicians. It is known in Dljina that their oldest trumpeter "was a guy named Ćebić who was playing before World War I… And he himself inherited it from the past times. "In Goračići the first orchestra was founded by the Davidović brothers from Dragačica "probably sometimes about the times of World War I, and this band included only four musicians". Also, the story goes that "in Rti the band leader and first trumpet was Milisav Kostić–Tralja, and his today's heirs are trumpeters playing in the Srećko Obradović orchestra". And so we come also to the trumpeter Desimir Perišić from Goračići and the winning orchestra at the First Festival in Guča in 1961.

The songs are usually based of two-bar motives and melodies, mainly of two part structure consisting of 4 to 5 tones.

The vigorous folk round-dances from the western regions are characterized by occasional pauses of the leading trumpets, with the basses taking over the leading tune of the leading trumpets, highlighting the basic harmonies.
Also, we will notice that southern folk dances are usually characterized by oriental music, in the so-called "aksak" rhythm. This is especially emphasized with the "performance" of the drummer, who expertly combines larger "čukan" (right hand) strokes with those of the thinner stick (left hand, on the edge of the drum, skillfully stressing the changes of double and triple meter in the specific rhythmical formulas and combinations (8/8; 7/8; 9/8 etc.), especially in the characteristic dances – songs called "chochek". Then, spontaneously and ravishingly, genuinely enjoying in the music, dance only those who truly know how to do it.
In the eastern region a big number of folk dances of the "Batrna" (ancient dance) type and "Stara Vlajna", i.e. "Timočka Rumenka" or "Svrljiški laskavac", are preserving the genetic features of the Vallah or Serb Hora dancing, when the dancers are crossing their hands and holding each other by the belt. And all Serbian songs and dances have up to five tones, while Vallah melodies are more diversified and with an occasional alternation of the slow parts with the usually faster refrain. Singing with trumpet accompaniment is gaining in popularity nowadays here with us. Like the first folk trumpeters from the times of Miloš, contemporary ones are also mainly autodidacts having keen hearing, and are playing a huge repertoire of songs and dances by heart, and by the ear, improvising their interpretation spontaneously and from their soles and hearts.
With the first orchestras, their members evolved as musicians and their number was invreasing. At the beginning the orchestras had five musicians, and the contemporary orchestras usually have up to ten musicians (three to four ''B'' trumpets, three bass flugelhorns, one bass trumpet – helicon or euphonium, and, finally, snare drum and large drum with cymbals. Three regions clearly identified themselves by the style of their music, and are today three famous centers with the best trumpeters in Serbia today.
Although the trumpet is not as deeply rooted in our people like the vocal music tradition, the fact is that those active in the field of culture have four decades ago broke the ground for trumpet music in tiny Guča. Since then, like awakening from a dream, trumpet music grew very quickly in those areas of western, eastern and southern Serbia in which the trumpet seed probably had already been thrown and did exist, and it also woke up during so many decades in the center of Šumadija, where its seed was for the first time thrown in the far away year 1831.

Rock’n’Roll auf Serbisch (Guča Festival)

400000 junge Leute kommen jedes Jahr im August nach Guča, wenn die besten Blaskapellen um die Wette spielen. Hardrocker, Folkloregruppen, Hippies und Kampftrinker flippen aus.

Übernachtet haben wir in der Wohnung des Polizeichefs, im geräumten Kinderzimmer, unter einem Poster von Harry Potters Freundin Hermine, wohlwollend beäugt von rosa und hellblauen Kuscheltieren. Einen behüteteren Ort kann man in Guča kaum finden. Die Fotos der Polizeicheftöchter stehen, gerahmt in rotem Kunstleder, auf einem Häkeldeckchen. Für ein paar Tage sind die Mädchen bei auswärtigen Verwandten untergebracht. So macht man das hier Jahr für Jahr am letzten Augustwochenende, wenn in das 3000-Einwohner-Dorf plötzlich 400000 Blasmusikverrückte einfallen. Guča liegt in der tiefsten serbischen Provinz, dreieinhalb Autostunden südlich von Belgrad. Es gibt dort ein einziges Hotel mit 40 Betten, ein weiteres wird gerade gebaut. Da kann sich glücklich schätzen, wer auf der Klappliege in einer Privatwohnung untergekommen ist.
In den Tagen des großen Blasmusikfestivals wird in Guča nämlich überall geschlafen: auf den Wiesen am Ortsrand, die sich in riesige Zeltplätze verwandeln; in Schulen und Turnhallen, in denen die Luft morgens zum Schneiden stickig ist; zu zweit unter Wolldecken im Auto; allein neben der leeren Schnapsflasche in Hauseingängen oder mitten auf dem zentralen Dorfplatz zwischen Glasscherben, Plastikmüll und Bierlachen am Sockel des berühmten Denkmals mit dem goldenen Trompeter.
Nur der Polizeichef findet keinen Schlaf. Jede Nacht dreht er erst zur frühen Morgenstunde den Schlüssel in seiner Wohnungstür, drei Stunden später ist er schon wieder auf dem Weg zum Dienst. Auch in seinem Büro kann man ihn nicht treffen. "Viel Arbeit, schlechte Nachrichten", sagt seine Frau, die das Frühstück für die Gäste zubereitet. Am Montag steht es in der Zeitung: Zwei verfeindete Jugendbanden sind beim Festival aneinandergeraten, ein Jugendlicher wurde bei der Messerstecherei getötet. Im letzten Jahr waren es die jugendlichen Alkoholraser, die dem Polizisten den Schlaf raubten. Auf den kleinen, kurvenreichen Landstraßen fahren sie im Suff gegen Bäume und brechen sich die Hälse.
Den legendären Ruf der Festtage von Guča können solche hässlichen Zwischenfälle nicht beschädigen. Guča gilt als das größte und wildeste Blasmusikspektakel der Welt. Die ganze Region strömt herbei und junge Leute aus aller Welt. Das Festival sei das wichtigste und authentischste Symbol serbischer Kreativität, erklärt der aus Belgrad angereiste Staatsminister. Die Trompete mache gesund und vertreibe alle Neurosen, sagt einer der Gründer: »Guča ist Ausdruck serbischer Lebensfreude.« Wie viel das Bier und der Rakija zum Ruhm der Veranstaltung beitragen, braucht niemand extra zu betonen: Jeder weiß, dass Guča ein Massenbesäufnis ist.
In nüchternen Worten lässt sich der Anlass des Festes so beschreiben: Zwanzig serbische Musikkapellen kommen zu einem Bläserwettstreit zusammen. Zuvor haben sie sich in regionalen Vorausscheidungen qualifiziert. Der Sieger gewinnt die begehrte goldene Trompete. Über fünf Tage erstreckt sich das Rahmenprogramm mit Trachtenauftritten, Umzügen und Rummelplatzvergnügen. Der Wettbewerb selbst wird in wenigen Stunden am letzten Tag abgewickelt, denn es geht in erster Linie um anderes: durchtanzte Nächte, Rausch, Enthemmung. Sex and drugs and Rock’n’Roll auf Serbisch.
Das Festival ist fest in der Hand der Zigeunerbands aus dem Süden und Westen des Landes. Sie stellen fast alle Teilnehmer, geben mit ihren übermütig ratternden Tänzen, den Cočeks und Kolos den Ton an. Von schmissigen Synkopen wird ihre Musik vorangetrieben. Die Basstuba bollert wie Ausbeulungsarbeiten auf dem Autoschrottplatz. Über den pumpenden Rhythmen erhebt sich das orientalisch klingende Melodiegewusel der Trompeten. Im Vergleich zum Wespentemperament einer serbischen Gipsy-Band wirken bayerische Bierzeltkapellen so behäbig wie halb tote Stubenfliegen auf ihrem letzten Flug. Verwegene Typen sind die Musiker allesamt. Für Guča haben sie sich die gelockten schwarzen Haare extranass in den Nacken gegelt, ihre Nadelstreifenanzüge oder cremefarbenen Leinenwesten angezogen und die eleganten Schuhe übergestreift. An den Schuhen kann man jeden Gipsy-Trompeter erkennen: Spitz und lang müssen sie sein und am besten aus Schlangenleder. Guča ist eine große Chance für die Musiker. Wer hier auffällt oder gar den Wettbewerb gewinnt, braucht sich um lukrative Engagements bei Hochzeiten und Beerdigungen keine Sorgen mehr zu machen.

Guča Festivals Posters

Gucha Plakat 52. Sabor Trubaca phoca_thumb_l_plakati 030 phoca_thumb_l_plakati 028 phoca_thumb_l_plakati 027 phoca_thumb_l_plakati 026phoca_thumb_l_plakati 025 phoca_thumb_l_plakati 024 phoca_thumb_l_plakati 022 phoca_thumb_l_plakati 020 phoca_thumb_l_plakati 019 phoca_thumb_l_plakati 017 phoca_thumb_l_plakati 016 phoca_thumb_l_plakati 015 phoca_thumb_l_plakati 013 phoca_thumb_l_plakati 012 phoca_thumb_l_plakati 009

Guča The Best festival in the World

This year's Festival in Guča will be opened on August 5th by Emir Kusturica, a worldwide famous film maker. As it has been announced, he will also perform a music show with his “No smoking orchestra” on August 8th, after the competition of the foreign orchestras. Every year in August the sleepy town of Guča turns into a big party, the air is filled with the sound of trumpets and smell of grilled meat, streets with dancing and drinking people... More than 600,000 visitors make their way to the town of 2,000 people, both from Serbia and abroad. 

Elimination heats earlier in the year mean only a few dozen bands get to compete. Guča's official festival is split into three parts. Friday's opening concert, Saturday night celebrations and Sunday's competition. Friday's concerts are held at the entrance to the official Guča Festival building. This event features previous winners, each band getting to play three tunes while folk dancers, all kitted out in bright knitting patterns, dance kolos and oros in front of a hyped-up audience.

An English party site,, has named Guča the best festival in the world.

Forget Glastonbury, Reading, Burning Man and Coachella: "The wildest music festival on earth is a cacophonic and crazy brass band festival that takes place every summer in the tiny Serbian town of Guča in the western region of Dragačevo".

Rafting river Tara - Extreme sports

One day tour along most exciting and most attractive part of the River Tara total length 14km:
- starting from Belgrade early in the morning and traveling via Užice, Višegrad and Foča to the camp. Meeting with our hosts and surroundings.
- breakfast till 10: 30 - specialty of domestic kitchen,
- changing of wardrobe into rafting equipment. Each participant gets neoprene suit, neoprene boots, life jacket and adventure starts,
- transportation by jeeps and vans to Brštenovica starting point of our friendship with River Tara till 11:30h,
- formation of the rafting teams, introduction to the skipper and basics of rafting and team work. Capacity of the boats in 10 - 12 persons and it is very important to obey skipper's instruction,
- on board to 12:00h rs and rafting starts on the most attractive part of the River Tara total length 14km where are a lot of exciting experience is expected as rapids Celije, Vjernovice grade 5, Borovi, Varda, Cegrlo grade 4, and other 17 which aren't to be underestimated.
- rafting lasts around 3, 5 hours with brakes for swimming and rest in Kulina, Manita vrela, Šipcanica streams,
- arrival at Camp Sastavci around 16:00h and change of wardrobe,
- lunch - specialties of domestic and oriental kitchen, Rafting soup, rousted lamb,
- rest after lunch and departure of Rafters.

Down the Danube to Eastern Serbia

Golubac, a unique fortress at the Djerdap gorge's entrance built on a ridge above the Danube with its nine towers from which Prince Lazar controlled this route as early as 14 century. Lepenski Vir, a world - renowned archaeological site with a reconstructed Neolithic settlement. The Vratna canyon with its three amazing "gates" carved by the river Vratna in chalk cliffs.

Rajačke pivnice, a village of 300 wine cellars where top - quality wine exported to France used to be produced. Today rarely visited only by those with the privilege to taste wine in the still functioning cellars.

Romulijana, the best-preserved locality of late antiquity in Serbia, protected by UNESCO.
Imperial palace of the emperor Galerius, born and buried here with his mother Romula.

Ethnic Serbian Tour The Ovčarsko Kablarska gorge through which the river Western Morava carves its way and whose inaccessible slopes hide 10 Serbian Orthodox monasteries from 16 and 17 centuries which is why it is also called the "Little Serbian Holy Mountain" [i. e. Mt Athos].

Sirogojno, the oldest regular ethnic locality in Serbia, a village - museum with typical log dwellings furnished in corresponding style and equipped with utensils. A wooden church of St. Peter and Paul. A restaurant with local culinary specialties.

Zlatibor, a tourist and mountain resort at 1000m. The highest mountain is Tornik. In winter full of skiers, in summer full of hikers enjoying the fresh air and rolling meadows.

Sarganska osmica, a narrow gauge railway along which up to 1974 a train from Belgrade via Sarajevo to Dubrovnik crossed the mountain saddle between Mokra Gora and Sargan, a height difference of 300m. Today used as a tourist attraction and outdoor railway museum.

Drvengrad, built by Emir Kusturica on the hill Mecavnik while shooting his film "Life is a Wonder" and succumbing to the beauty of the local countryside.

Western Serbia - Zlatibor, Mećavnik, Šarganska Osmica

Brace yourself for a unique Serbian experience! Visit the beautiful mountainside of Western Serbia and enjoy the renowned ethno villages and specialties. Enrich yourselves with a taste of life in the Balkans. Take a piece of Serbia with You.

Tour highlights:
- scenic landscapes and gentle slopes of Zlatibor,
- Zlatibor Lake,
- scenic hiking routes to Čigota filled with pinewoods, therapeutically for the people with thyroid gland problems,
- mountain and River Tara with its scenic views and crystal clear water,
- monastery and Pension Soko Grad,
- famous scenic railroad Šarganska Osmica,
- "Wooden City" Mećavnik built by Emir Kusturica,
- 200 - year old Ethno Village Sirogojno,
- handmade arts and crafts form Sirogojno, which are the latest fashion trend in the ethno styles,.
- stopića Cave,

Day 1: Saturday
Arrival at Belgrade Airport. Departure for Zlatibor with quick stop for lunch. Arrival at Zlatibor. Accomodation in Villa "u Lugu". Dinner and rest.

Day 2: Sunday
Breakfast. Sightseeing on Zlatibor with a shuttle with several stops. Lunch and rest. Hiking tour to Cigota. Dinner and rest.

Day 3: Monday [Field Trip 1]
Breakfast. Departure for Mokra Gora. Ride on the scenic railroad Sarganska Osmica, which was the location for the filming of Emir Kusturica movie Life is a Miracle. Arrival at Mecavnik, "Wooden City" which was designed and constructed by the famous director. Departure for Bajina Bašta with a stop for sightseeing of the lake. Return to Zlatibor. Dinner and rest.

Day 4: Tuesday [Field Trip 2]
Breakfast. Departure for Sirogojno. Tour of the Ethno - Village and the museum. Shopping for handmade arts and craft, for which this area is famous for. Ethnic lunch and return to Zlatibor with a stop for the tour of Stopica Cave. Dinner and rest.

Day 5: Wednesday [Field Trip 3]
Breakfast. Departure for Soko Grad near Ljubovija with a visit to the monastery. Lunch. Trip to Kozja Stena, the most scenic view from Mt. Tara. Return to Zlatibor. Dinner and rest.

Day 6: Thursday
Breakfast. Free time before lunch. After the luncha a scenic hiking tour. After the hiking tour some rest and dinner. Good Bye Party and rest.

Day 7: Friday
Return to Belgrade. Lunch in Belgrade. Dinner and Goodbye Party on one of the famous rafts in Belgrade. Rest.

Day 8: Saturday
Early breakfast. Transfer to Belgrade Airport

What else:
- you will eat healthy food and as a souvenir you will take some specialties with you,
- clean and fresh mountain air at high altitudes which is of benefit for the people with respiratory problems,
- participate in health and fitness program on Čigota,
- take a bath or drink water from crystal clear rivers on Tara and Zlatibor,
- have a relaxing holiday in the parts of Serbia where nature is unaffected by industrial development,
- surprise gift.

Tour details:
- 7 Nights with Half Board,
- 8 lunches,
- 2 Transfers,
- 3 Field Trips.

Guide Service: 2 persons, Tickets and Fees for all locations.

A unique Serbian experience awaits You. Unique tours offered by Outdoor open the doors to the hidden treasures of Serbian nature and culture. Visit the crossroads of Western and Eastern civilization and the region that forged much of the European history. Once You leave, take a piece of Serbia in Your heart. Program is based on minimum 6 persons.

Western Serbia Route - Zlatibor, Soko Grad, Šarganska Osmica, Mećavnik, Sirogojno

Brace yourself for a unique Serbian experience! Visit the beautiful mountainside of Western Serbia and enjoy the renowned ethno villages and specialties. Enrich yourselves with a taste of life in the Balkans. Take a piece of Serbia with You.

Tour highlights:
- scenic landscapes and gentle slopes of Zlatibor,
- Zlatibor Lake,
- scenic hiking routes to Čigota filled with pinewoods, therapeutical for the people with thyroid gland problems,
- mountain and River Tara with its scenic views and crystal clear water,
- monastery and Pension Soko Grad,
- famous scenic railroad Šarganska Osmica,
- "Wooden City" Mećavnik built by Emir Kusturica,
- 200 - year old Ethno Village Sirogojno,
- handmade arts and crafts form Sirogojno, which are the latest fashion trend in the ethno styles,.
- stopića Cave,

Day 1: Saturday
Arrival at Belgrade Airport. Departure for Zlatibor with quick stop for lunch. Arrival at Zlatibor. Accomodation in Villa "U Lugu". Dinner and rest.

Day 2: Sunday
Breakfast. Sightseeing on Zlatibor with a shuttle with several stops. Lunch and rest. Hiking tour to Cigota. Dinner and rest.

Day 3: Monday [Field Trip 1]
Breakfast. Departure for Mokra Gora. Ride on the scenic railroad Sarganska Osmica, which was the location for the filming of Emir Kusturica movie Life is a Miracle. Arrival at Mecavnik, "Wooden City" which was designed and constructed by the famous director. Departure for Bajina Bašta with a stop for sightseeing of the lake. Return to Zlatibor. Dinner and rest.

Day 4: Tuesday [Field Trip 2]
Breakfast. Departure for Sirogojno. Tour of the Ethno - Village and the museum. Shopping for handmade arts and craft, for which this area is famous for. Ethnic lunch and return to Zlatibor with a stop for the tour of Stopica Cave. Dinner and rest.

Day 5: Wednesday [Field Trip 3]
Breakfast. Departure for Soko Grad near Ljubovija with a visit to the monastery. Lunch. Trip to Kozja Stena, the most scenic view from Mt. Tara. Return to Zlatibor. Dinner and rest.

Day 6: Thursday
Breakfast. Free time before lunch. After the lunch a scenic hiking tour. After the hiking tour some rest and dinner. Good Bye Party and rest.

Day 7: Friday
Return to Belgrade. Lunch in Belgrade. Dinner and Goodbye Party on one of the famous rafts in Belgrade. Rest.

Day 8: Saturday
Early breakfast. Transfer to Belgrade Airport

What else:
- you will eat healthy food and as a souvenir you will take some specialties with you,
- clean and fresh mountain air at high altitudes which is of benefit for the people with respiratory problems,
- participate in health and fitness program on Čigota,
- take a bath or drink water from crystal clear rivers on Tara and Zlatibor,
- have a relaxing holiday in the parts of Serbia where nature is unaffected by industrial development,
- surprise gift.

Tour details:
- 7 Nights with Half Board,
- 8 lunches,
- 2 Transfers,
- 3 Field Trips.

Guide Service: 2 persons, Tickets and Fees for all locations.

A unique Serbian experience awaits You. Unique tours offered by Outdoor open the doors to the hidden treasures of Serbian nature and culture. Visit the crossroads of Western and Eastern civilization and the region that forged much of the European history. Once You leave, take a piece of Serbia in Your heart. Program is based on minimum 6 persons.

The Danube Secrets - Djerdap and Golubac

Day 1th: Meeting of passengers and representatives of the agency at the airport Nikola Tesla - Belgrade. Transfer to the hotel. Free time. Overnight.

Day 2nd: Breakfast. Sightseeing of Belgrade by cruising the Danube and Sava Rivers. Along the 18 kilometres sail, enjoy the beauty of the city, lunch on a boat with Serbian wine and brandy [rakija].

After compliancy tour continues with Belgrade panorama sightseeing which includes sites of City Parliament, Federal Parliament, Terazije Square, Republic Square, Students' Square, Belgrade Fortress, City Gate ["Varoš kapija"], New Belgrade, Topčider Hill, Dedinje, Oslobodjenje Square, Slavija Square, Nikola Pašić Square. Return to the hotel. Overnight.

Day 3rd: Breakfast. Departure to Eastern Serbia and Djerdap Gorge.
Short break is planned on the Srebrno jezero [Silver Lake]. Continuing voyage towards Golubac, a town where Danube is 6 kilometres wide and for that reason called "Serbian sea". Danube is on its widest part decorated by Golubac Fortress, one of the most beautiful fortresses on its whole course. After visiting the fortress and break for taking photos, along the valley of Djerdap Gorge group arrives at the hotel "Lepenski Vir". Spare time. Visit to the museum "Lepenski Vir" and going on Captains Miša Hill for dinner. From this hill there is the best view of the Danube in its entire course, and art lovers can enjoy seeing open - air wood gallery. Accommodation in the hotel on the Danube bank. Spare time in the afternoon and in the evening.

Day 4th: Breakfast. Photo Safari tour in National Park with viewing the inhabitants and amazing natural sights. After hunting, lunch with music and party under the open sky is prepared. Those without these ambitions can visit the observation hills of the National Park and enjoy the unique Djerdap view. From there we move to Kladovo to visit the Archeological Museum of the town. Trip continues towards Vratna and visiting of its attractions: Monastery Vratna, farm of mouflons, and the unique wonder of nature, Vratanjske Kapije [Vratanjske Gates], rocks which made rare and odd forms hanging over the Gorge of the little Vratna River. Departure to Negotin. Visit of a birth house of a famous Serbian composer Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac. Accommodation in the hotel. Spare time. Overnight.

Day 5th: Breakfast. Setting off from Negotin to the village Rajac along the narrow way, above which a village of wine cellars under the name "Rajačke pimnice" is rising. This is the small town built of trimmed stone and logs. After visiting wine cellars ["Pimnice"] and wine tasting, lunch is planned in the St. Trifun restaurant, and the specialties of the national cuisine of Negotin area are served. We leave "Pimnice" late in the afternoon, when return to Belgrade is planned.
Accommodation in the hotel in Belgrade. Spare time in the evening. Overnight.

Day 6th: Breakfast. Transfer to the airport; Departure.Day 1th: Arrival to Belgrade. Meeting of passengers and representatives of the agency at the airport Nikola Tesla - Belgrade. Transfer to the hotel. Spare time. Overnight.

Day 2nd: Breakfast. Route: Belgrade - Vrnjačka Banja [spa]
Sanctum places of Serbian capital [St. Petka Chapel and Church Ružica, Orthodox Church and Patriarch's residence, St. Sava's Temple, the biggest Orthodox Temple in the Balkans]. Departure to Vrnajčka banja. Visit to the Monasteries Pokajnica, Manasija, and Ravanica; lunch in the monastery. Arrival to Vrnajčka banja. Accommodation. Overnight.

Day 3rd: Breakfast. Route: Vrnajčka banja - Monasteries Žiča, Ljubostinja, Kalenić - Vrnjačka Banja. Lunch is planned in Monastery Kalenić. Visit to the open - air Museum "Kalenić" and familiarizing with the old Serbian crafts: weaving, spinning, knitting, basket weaving. Presentation of the national architecture and traditional usable objects. Return to Vrnjačka Banja. Accommodation. Overnight.

Day 4th: Breakfast. Spare time. Route: Vrnjačka Banja - Monastery Studenica.
Visit to Monasteries Djurdjevi Stupovi, Sopoćani. Arrival to Monastery Studenica. Lunch. Accommodation in the Monastery's residential building and presence to the evening prayer. Overnight

Day 5th: Breakfast in the Monastery residential building. Route: Studenica - Ovčar banja [spa] - Ovčarsko - Kablarska Gorge - Valjevo

Visit to Monastery Gradac [long hiking tour] and St. Peter's Church on the way to Ovčar Banja. Arrival to Ovčar banja. Lunch in the national restaurant. Visit to the Monasteries of Ovčarsko - Kablarska Gorge: Vavedenje [Presentation of the Virgin], Vaznesenje [Resurrection], Sretenje [Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple], Svete Trojice Blagovestenje [Annunciation of Holy Trinity], Ilinje, Savinje, Nikolje, Jovanje i Uspenje [Dormition]. Departure to Valjevo. Accommodation. Overnight.

Day 6th: Breakfast. Route: Valjevo - village Sitarice - Valjevo.
Petnica cave, Research Center in Petnica. Visit to the old city center Tešnjar, Muselin's konak [hist. castle, palace], the monument of the greatest Serbian army commander Živojin Mišić, and the monument of poetess Desanka Maksimović]. Visit of the Monasteries Ćelije and Lelić in which are the relics of the Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović, the Orthodox theologian and writer from 20th century. Visit to the Monastery Pustinja from 14th century, built during the rule of the Nemanjić royal family.

Visit to the village Sitarice on the hillsides of Medvednik Mountain. This is the place with traditional, old Serbian houses, outbuildings, folklore, customs and traditional dishes of Serbian cuisine are preserved and cherished. In the yard of an old authentic village house, Serbian dining table brimming with national dishes and drinks, traditional Serbian host, songs and dancing typical for this part of Serbia, welcomes guests.
Return to the hotel. Overnight.

Day 7th Breakfast. Route: Valjevo - Soko Grad - Monastery Tronoša - Tršić - Belgrade
Departure from Valjevo. Arrival to Soko Grad and visit to the Monastery Complex of "Soko Grad". Short break. Departure to Monastery Tronoša and Tršić. Visit to the Monastery Tronoša and monastery residential building. Visit to the Ethnographic Commemorative Park and Commemorative House dedicated to the father of Serbian literacy Vuk Stefanović Karadžić in Tršić. Lunch break and individual activities.
Departure to Belgrade in the evening. Accommodation in the hotel. Overnight.

Day 8th: Breakfast. Transfer to the airport; departure.

Meet Serbia Sirogojno - Sarganska osmica - Mokra Gora - Zlatibor - Sremski Karlovci

Day 1th: Meeting of passengers and representatives of the agency at the airport Nikola Tesla - Belgrade. Transfer to the hotel. Sight - seeing of the city with a professional tourist guide.

Itinerary: the City Parliament, the Federal Parliament, Terazije Street, Republic Square, Students' Square, Belgrade Fortress - Kalemegdan, City Gate ["Varos kapija"], New Belgrade, Topcider Hill, Dedinje, Oslobodjenje Square, Slavija Square, Nikola Pasic Square.

In the evening organized visit to the Belgrade Bohemian Quarter - Skadarlija. Dinner in the national restaurant with live music. Overnight..

Day 2nd: Breakfast. One - day excursion - "Reveal romance". Itinerary: Belgrade - Novi Sad - Petrovaradin Fortress - Sremski Karlovci - Salash 137 - Belgrade.
Visit to the old city lake of Novi Sad [Sloboda Square, Orthodox Church, Vladicinski Palace, City Hall, Cathedral, Dunavska Street, Nikolajevska Church, Serbian National Theatre, Mladenacki [Newlyweds] Square, bridges on the Danube, Sahat Tower], Petrovaradin Fortress.

Sremski Karlovci, the center of Serbian spiritual and secular power. Visit to Orthodox Church, Patriarchate Court, Main Square and Gymnasium of Karlovci. Visit to the one of famous wine cellars in this town.
Visit to " Salas 137 " and lunch with good dining table of Vojvodina.
Return to Belgrade. In the evening, dinner is organized on the boat restaurant
on Sava and Danube rivers. Overnight.

Day 3rd: Breakfast. Check out from the hotel. Departure to Zlatibor and Mokra Gora.
Itinerary: Belgrade, Zlatibor Mountain, Mokra Gora - Ethno village Sirogojno.
Visit to the film city of Emir Kusturica - Drvengrad. Watching the projection of the latest documentary film by Emir Kusturica, after which lunch is planned in the ethno restaurant of this unique film city. Boarding the train "Cira" and driving along the famous "Sarganska osmica" - the narrowest narrow - gage railroad which has on its 15km long route 22 tunnels, many viaducts and bridges and it represents the greatest tourist attraction in Europe at the moment. Breaks on the places with pretty views and on the place where film "Zivot je cudo" ["Life is a miracle"] by Emir Kusturica is made. Departure to ethno village " Sirogojno ". Accommodation in ethno houses and dinner in national restaurant of this unique village.

Day 4th: Breakfast. Check out and departure to tourist center " Vrnjačka Banja" [Vrnjacka Spa]. Itinerary: Village Sirogojno - Ovcarsko-kablarska Gorge - Kraljevo - Vrnjacka Spa. Visit to few of the ten monasteries of the Ovcarsko - Kablarska Gorge which are referred to as the Serb Athos. Over centuries these ten monasteries safeguarded the ancient manuscripts, out of which some were also written there. Continuing the trip and visit to monastery Zica and Ljubostinja near Kraljevo which are some of the holiest sites in Serbia. Lunch in national restaurant. Arrival at tourist center " Vrnjačka Banja ". Accommodation in hotel. Sightseeing of tourist center and dinner. Overnight.

Day 5th Breakfast. Check out from the hotel and departure to Belgrade.
Itinerary: Vrnjačka Banja - Kraljevo - Kragujevac - Oplenac - Country Club hotel Babe - Belgrade. Visit to the Memorial park "Sumarice" with Museum of the Genocide in Kragujevac town. This is the place where in World War II, Germans killed 7000 citizens of Kragujevac. Among them were three hundred pupils.

Continuing trip to Topola - Oplenac were we will visit Memorial complex of the Karadjordjevic royal family.
Lunch is planned in the exclusive vacation area " Country Club hotel Babe " at the foothill of the nearby mountain Kosmaj, where you will be specially attracted by the herd of thoroughbred horses and many else. Arrival at Belgrade. Accommodation in hotel. Dinner. Overnight..

Day 6th: Breakfast. Transfer to the airport and departure of the group.

Arrangement includes:
- transfers by high tourist class bus / mini bus during the travel,
- accommodation [3 nights in Belgrade hotel, 1 night in ethno houses of the village Sirogojno 1 night in hotel in Vrnjačka Banja tourist center,]. Type of service: Bed & breakfast [BB],
- 4 lunches, 5 dinners, no drink included during the travel,
- all tickets and sightseeing included in the program,
- a guide speaking the native language of the group provided during the trip,
- organization and running the trip.

Jeep Tour Babin Zub - Stara Planina

Day 1: Monday Arrival at Belgrade Airport at 05:20h. Bus transfer to Dimitrovgrad which is about 340km away. Lunch in Nis. Arrival at hotel Balkan. Dinner and rest.

- Lunch in Niš at the famous "Amerikanac" Restaurant
- Scenic tour of the city and visit to unique monument Cele Kula.

Day 2: Tuesday
Breakfast. Departure at 9:00h with jeeps. Route: Dimitrovgrad - Smilovci - Izatovci - Slavinja - Rosomacki Kamen - Rsovci - Visocka Rzana - Dojkinci - Topli Do - Babin Zub. The route is around 100km. Ethnic lunch during one of the breaks.

Accommodation in hotel Babin Zub. Dinner and rest.

- Rosomaca - visit to Rosomaki Kazani,
- Visit to the Cave Church in Rsovci [famous icon Bald Jesus],
- Visocica and Dojkinacka River delta,
- Sveta Bogorodica Monastery,
- Photo Safari with several scenic peaks,
- Visit to Topli Do village,
- Babin Zub Peak.

Day 3: Wednesday
Breakfast. Route: Babin Zub - Midzor [2, 170m] - Temska River Canyon - Visocica River Canyon - Zavojsko Lake - Nisor - Pirot - Sicevacka Gorge - Niš [175km]. Lunch is in Pirot. Accommodation in hotel  Aleksandar in Nis. Welcome Pool Party, dinner and rest.

- Midzor - Jeep climb and hiking tour,
- Zavojsko Lake,
- St. George Monastery in Temska,
- Pirot - famous Pirot rug shopping,
- Ethnic lunch in "Mali Pevac" restaurant,
- Sicevacka Gorge,
- Night bath with a coctail party.

Note: The tour during the second and third day is performed by the professional drivers.

Day 4: Thursday
Breakfast. Bus transfer to Zabljak on Durmitor Mountain in Montenegro. Road stop in Novi Pazar [optional shopping]. Lunch upon leaving Novi Pazar in a restaurant with a private fish hatchery. Arrival on Durmitor in late afternoon. Sightseeing of Black Lake. Dinner and rest.

Day 5: Friday
Breakfast. Departure with jeeps to the peek Curevac [1, 625m]. Arrival at the entry point for rafting on Tara River. Rafting on Tara River 2 - 3 hours. Ethnic lunch in the nature. Return with jeeps to Zabljak and then a bust transfer to Zlatibor.

Accommodation in Villa "U Lugu". Dinner in the restaurant "Knjeginja" and rest.

- Curevac Peak. Scenic View to Tara River Canyon,
- Suspended bridge on Djurdjevica Tara [140m],
- Rafting on River Tara,
- Photo Safari,
- Ethnic Lunch in the Nature,
- Scenic Rout around Zlatibor [around 240km].

Note: professional drivers from Durmitor National Park perform 5th day of the jeep tour.

Day 6: Saturday
Breakfast. Independent jeep tour [participants driving. Departure for Mokra Gora. Ride on the attractive railroad Sarganska Osmica. This is the location of filming for Emir Kusturica film "Life is a Miracle". Arrival at Mecavnik A. K. A. "Wooden

City" which was designed and constructed by Emir Kusturica. Departure for Bajina Bašta on river Drina. Lunch. Visit to a lake and return to Zlatibor. Dinner and rest.

After the visit to Mecavnik instead of departure for Bajina Bašta, the tour goes to Sirogojno. Visit to the ethno museum. Organized shopping of famous hand - crafted souvenirs and clothing. Ethnic lunch and visit to Stopica Cave on the return route to Zlatibor. Dinner and rest.

- Šarganska Osmica Railroad Ride
- Mečavnik - Wooden City of the famous film director Emir Kusturica.
- Lake of River Drina [or optional village Sirogojno with shopping]
- Ethnich Lunch

Day 7: Sunday
Breakfast. Bus transfer to Belgrade and Surcin Airport with a lunch break.
Departure for Tel Aviv at 16:55h.

What else:
You will eat healthy food and as a souvenir you will take some specialties with you. Clean and fresh mountain air at high altitudes which is of benefit for the people with respiratory problems. Participate in health and fitness program on Čigota. Take a bath or drink water from crystal clear rivers on Tara and Zlatibor. Have a relaxing holiday in the parts of Serbia where nature is unaffected by industrial development. Surprise gift.

Tour details:
- 6 Nights with dinners,
- 7 Lunches and Breakfasts,
- 4 Bus Transfers [Belgrade - Dimitrovgrad, Niš - Durmitor, Durmitor - Zlatibor, Zlatibor - Belgrade],
- 3 Days of Jeep Touring with Professional Drivers on Durmitor and Eastern Serbia,
- 1 Day of Jeep Touring on Zlatibor with participants driving
- 2 + 2 + 2 Guide Service,
- Passes for all the sites that will be visited on the tour.

Visit Serbian Monasteries

Day 1th: Arrival to Belgrade. Meeting of passengers and representatives of the agency at the airport Nikola Tesla - Belgrade. Transfer to the hotel. Spare time. Overnight.

Day 2nd: Breakfast. Route: Belgrade - Vrnjačka Banja [spa]
Sanctum places of Serbian capital [St. Petka Chapel and Church Ružica, Orthodox Church and Patriarch's residence, St. Sava's Temple, the biggest Orthodox Temple in the Balkans]. Departure to Vrnajčka banja. Visit to the Monasteries Pokajnica, Manasija, and Ravanica; lunch in the monastery. Arrival to Vrnajčka banja. Accommodation. Overnight.

Day 3rd: Breakfast. Route: Vrnajčka banja - Monasteries Žiča, Ljubostinja, Kalenić - Vrnjačka Banja. Lunch is planned in Monastery Kalenić. Visit to the open - air Museum "Kalenić" and familiarizing with the old Serbian crafts: weaving, spinning, knitting, basket weaving. Presentation of the national architecture and traditional usable objects.
Return to Vrnjačka Banja. Accommodation. Overnight.

Day 4th: Breakfast. Spare time. Route: Vrnjačka Banja - Monastery Studenica.
Visit to Monasteries Djurdjevi Stupovi, Sopoćani. Arrival to Monastery Studenica. Lunch. Accommodation in the Monastery's residential building and presence to the evening prayer. Overnight

Day 5th: Breakfast in the Monastery residential building. Route: Studenica - Ovčar banja [spa] - Ovčarsko - Kablarska Gorge - Valjevo

Visit to Monastery Gradac [long hiking tour] and St. Peter's Church on the way to Ovčar Banja. Arrival to Ovčar banja. Lunch in the national restaurant. Visit to the Monasteries of Ovčarsko - Kablarska Gorge: Vavedenje [Presentation of the Virgin], Vaznesenje [Resurrection], Sretenje [Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple], Svete Trojice Blagovestenje [Annunciation of Holy Trinity], Ilinje, Savinje, Nikolje, Jovanje i Uspenje [Dormition]. Departure to Valjevo. Accommodation. Overnight.

Day 6th: Breakfast. Route: Valjevo - village Sitarice - Valjevo.
Petnica cave, Research Center in Petnica. Visit to the old city center Tešnjar, Muselin's konak [hist. castle, palace], the monument of the greatest Serbian army commander Živojin Mišić, and the monument of poetess Desanka Maksimović]. Visit of the Monasteries Ćelije and Lelić in which are the relics of the Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović, the Orthodox theologian and writer from 20th century. Visit to the Monastery Pustinja from 14th century, built during the rule of the Nemanjić royal family.

Visit to the village Sitarice on the hillsides of Medvednik Mountain. This is the place with traditional, old Serbian houses, outbuildings, folklore, customs and traditional dishes of Serbian cuisine are preserved and cherished. In the yard of an old authentic village house, Serbian dining table brimming with national dishes and drinks, traditional Serbian host, songs and dancing typical for this part of Serbia, welcomes guests. Return to the hotel. Overnight.

Day 7th Breakfast. Route: Valjevo - Soko Grad - Monastery Tronoša - Tršić - Belgrade
Departure from Valjevo. Arrival to Soko Grad and visit to the Monastery Complex of "Soko Grad". Short break. Departure to Monastery Tronoša and Trsić. Visit to the Monastery Tronoša and monastery residential building. Visit to the Ethnographic Commemorative Park and Commemorative House dedicated to the father of Serbian literacy Vuk Stefanović Karadžić in Tršić. Lunch break and individual activities. Departure to Belgrade in the evening. Accommodation in the hotel. Overnight.

Day 8th: Breakfast. Transfer to the airport; departure.

One day tour River Tara

One day tour along most exciting and most attractive part of the River Tara total length 14km:
- starting from Belgrade early in the morning and traveling via Uzice, Višegrad and Foca to the camp. Meeting with our hosts and surroundings.
- breakfast till 10: 30 - specialty of domestic kitchen,
- changing of wardrobe into rafting equipment. Each participant gets neoprene suit, neoprene boots, life jacket and adventure starts,
- transportation by jeeps and vans to Brštenovica starting point of our friendship with River Tara till 11:30h,
- formation of the rafting teams, introduction to the skipper and basics of rafting and team work. Capacity of the boats in 10 - 12 persons and it is very important to obey skipper's instruction,
- on board to 12:00h rs and rafting starts on the most attractive part of the River Tara total length 14km where are a lot of exciting experience is expected as rapids Celije, Vjernovice grade 5, Borovi, Varda, Cegrlo grade 4, and other 17 which aren't to be underestimated.
- rafting lasts around 3, 5 hours with brakes for swimming and rest in Kulina, Manita vrela, Šipcanica streams,
- arrival at Camp Sastavci around 16:00h and change of wardrobe,
- lunch - specialties of domestic and oriental kitchen, Rafting soup, rousted lamb,
- rest after lunch and departure of Rafters.

Gledičke Mountains

Description: In the hearth of Šumadija, on the slopes of the Gledičke Mountains, there is one of the most pleasant parts of Central Serbia, hilly landscape full of clear springs, rivers, gorges, medical herbs, game... It is a grove decorated with picturesque natural attractions, better known as Levac. It can also be recognized by the Kalenić Monastery, spiritual and cultural center, of which protected area we care. Open - air Museum "Kalenić" acquaints visitors with authentic experience and tradition, customs, history and culture of Levac, national kitchen, correlates with domestic and wild animals in nature. Youngest devotees of nature and healthy life can express their creativity and research spirit within the educational workshops in healthy and attractive natural environment:

Leaving Belgrade at 7:00 AM Arrival at Kalenic at 11:00 AM from 11:00h until 17:00h

- familiarizing with the old handycrafts and participating in making toys and souvenirs of natural materials [weaving, spinning, knitting, basket weaving…],
- visit to the Monastery; a lesson about Despot Stefan Lazarević,
- presentation of the folk architecture and traditional usable things [visit to the households],
- participating in the workshop of fine arts [presentation of Janko Baršić naïve art school],
- recreation in nature, learning old children's games, familiarizing with natural lair of animals, plants, bird watching…
- familiarizing with domestic animals and ways of cultivating land, planting and growing, cereals, fruits and vegetables,
- enjoying honey and its products,
- visit to a watermill and manifestation of grinding wheat,
- participating in the production of homemade dishes and products [bred baking, curdling, making jam, drying fruit, making soaps…].

Workshops are adjusted to juvenile; a lot of games, songs and careless socializing in pure nature.

Arrival at Belgrade around 09:00 PM

Central Serbia

Tour highlights: Visit to Mt. Kopaonik. Most visited mountain is Serbia and the largest skiing center.Rafting on River Ibar. A wild, but safe adventure. Visit to Mitrovo Polje and a bath in mineral springs. Visit to monasteries Studenica, Ljubostinja and Vraćevišnica. Visit to Vrnjačka and Bukovička Banja spas.

Reside on Goc, a mountian rich with forests and one of the most scenic places in Serbia:
- Visit to ethno village Kostunici and the plant for treatment and packing of forest fruits.
- Visit to historic monuments of the 1st and 2nd Rebelion Against the Turks.
- Visit to the hometown and residence of the serbian leader Karadjordje.
- Visit to the church and mausoleum of the Karadjordjevic Dinasty. Including the visit to royal wine cellars.
- Visit to Belgrade with sightseeing and an unforgetable night on one of the rafts.

Day 1: Friday
Arrival at Belgrade Airport. Transfer to Mt. Kopaonik. Dinner and rest.

Day 2: Saturday
Breakfast. Departure for Usce. From there a rafting trip downstream of River Ibar, 25km long. Visit to Monastery Studenica from 12th century. Lucnh in the monastery. Return to Kopanik. Dinner and rest.

Day 3: Sunday
Breakfast. Sightseeing of the ski resort [option is a hike to Pancicev Vrh 2, 016m]. Ride to Mitrovo Polje witha bath in the Mineral Springs. Quick stop for a visit to Monastery Ljubostinja from 14th century. Degustation of the famous wine at the monastery and brandy. Lunch and sightseeing in Vrnjačka Banja Spa. Departure for Mt. Goc. Accommodation in cottages, hotel Piramida. Dinner and rest.

Day 4: Monday
Breakfast. Hiking on the slopes of Mt. Goc to the Velike Livade and Kavgalija Peaks. On the return an outdoor lunch [roast lamb] in the nature. Afternoon rest and use of the sport facilities. Diner and rest.

Day 5: Tuesday
Breakfast. Departure for ethno - village Kostunici. Stop for a visit to Monastery Vracevsnica and Takovo along the way. Ethnil lunch in Savinac village. Arrival at Kostunici. Accommodation, dinner and rest.

Day 6: Wedresday
Breakfast. Visit to the plant for packaging of forrest fruit and shopping. Continuing to Topola over Mt. Rudnik. Visit to the monument from the First Rebellion Against the Turks in 1804. and a visit to Oplenac. Visit to St. George's church and mausoleum of the Karadjordjevic Dinasty. Lunch in Oplenac with wine degustation from the royal cellars. Continuing to Bukovicka Banja Spa and a visit to the famous mineral springs in Arandjelovac. Accommodation, dinner and rest.

Day 7: Thursday
Breakfast. Departure for Belgrade by minibus. Lunch in Belgrade. Sightseeing tour of the city and NATO bombing ruins. Accommodation in hotel. Goodbye Party with dinner and music on one of the famous rafts in Belgrade. Rest.

Day 8: Friday
Early breakfast. Transfer to Belgrade Airport

What else:
- Eat healthy ethnic food and take kajmak from Kopaonik and forest fruits from Kostunici as souvenirs with you.
- Spend time in the fresh mountain air, beneficial for people with respiratory problems.
- Relax and enjoy nature the ancient way.
- Receive a surprise gift.

Tour details:
- 7 half boards
- 6 lunches
- A number of transfers
- Guide Service: 2 + 1
- Tickets for all locations.

Spa Banja Koviljaca

Day 1th: Arrival Arrival to Belgrade. Accommodation in three star hotel. Dinner. Overnight.

Day 2nd: Breakfast. Checkout. Route: Belgrade - Banja Koviljača. Belgrade sightseeing with a professional tourist guide [City Parliament, Federal Parliament, Terazije Square, Republic Square, Students' Square, Belgrade Fortress, City Gate ["Varoš kapija"], New Belgrade, Topčider Hill, Dedinje, Oslobodjenje Square, Slavija Square, Nikola Pašić Square. Departure to Koviljača Spa.

Visit to Zasavica Swamp, Natural Reservation as we pass along. In this beautiful natural reservation you can enjoy shipping on the tourist boat [without engine], photo - safari and richness of natural and animal world - 200 species of plants, 120 species of birds, more than 20 species of fish… Lunch in the national restaurant "Čardak". Arrival to the Koviljača Spa in the evening. Accommodation and dinner.

Day 3rd: to 9th Full board [FB] arrangement in Spa. The use of wellness program in health resort or sanitary and therapy services under the professional medical control is planned for the guests.

Every day in the afternoon, an excursion is planned for visiting cultural, historical and natural sights in the area.

Day 10th: Breakfast. Departure to Belgrade.
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